Meet the team

Abigail Sharp

Abigail Sharp

Accomodation and Administration officer.
  • Skills: Communication and Safeguarding officer for all students
  • Qualifications: BA Hons degree advertising, Safeguarding level 1-3, CeMAP Qualified, Prevent and Radicalisation
  • Speciality: Efficient problem solving, administrative and Student centred Management

Meet the other team members

“My personal mission is to ensure our students welfare is paramount during their studies and that it's at heart if everything I do. That our students feel they are secure in their surroundings at all times inside and outside the college during their studies.”

Tell our students a bit about yourself and your commitment to transforming students lives?

I am very caring and helpful by nature from my upbringing and this reflects upon my personality. I feel the students here at the college find me approachable and always approach me with questions, help or when they need any advice. My can- do attitude reflects on our students and its a pleasure to watch them progress throughout their studies.

What influenced your decision to become a member of BSMI?

To be able to work in a rewarding learning environment were I can learn from international student's with their culture and their beliefs. To be in a career were I can make a positive difference and join our students on their learning journey.

What do we do best at BSMI?

We provide specialised courses for international students helping them develop further; giving the students experience, skills and confidence to be able to progress and succeed.