We started out 180 years ago as the first polytechnic in London and one of the first in the UK, established to educate the working people of London.The University of Westminster boasts a rich history and has been providing students with academic excellence, cultural engagement and personal enrichment since its inception as The Polytechnic Institution in 1838.

We provide grounded, holistic education with wide horizons and opportunities, so that people from every background can realise their true potential, contributing to a richer, happier society.We are thoughtful and sensitive, supportive and encouraging, making time to talk, especially when the pressure is on. As a University community we are inclusive and united, careful to consider what enables each and every one of us to play our part.


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Career and Employability

Throughout your studies with us, you’ll have access to a variety of opportunities, tools and resources, as well as dedicated career support, to enhance your employability.

There are also a variety of initiatives and schemes aimed at helping you build your transferable skills, network with potential employers, and prepare for the ever-changing graduate job market.

Pathway Programs

International Year 1 in Business and Management

Progression to Second Year at University of Westminster
United Kingdom
Prepare for direct entry into the 2nd-year at University of Westminster in nine months. Following the success of Level 4 Extended at BSMI, students will directly progress into the second year at University of Westminster.
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International Year 2 in Business and Management

Progression to the Final Year at University of Westminster
United Kingdom
BSMI is delivering the most sought-after university access course, which will enable students to move into the final year at University of Westminster. At BSMI, we are proud to offer the most prominent and fast-track university access course, ATHE Level 5  Extended in Business and Management to international students.
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Employability rates after students Progression

We work with hundreds of employers to provide you with a variety of opportunities to work and develop new skills – from part-time work and work placements to volunteering, networking events and graduate opportunities. Our dedicated Careers Consultants can give you one-to-one advice and help you make the most of the opportunities and support services available across the University.
Enhance your employability skills with the initiatives and schemes that you can take part in. These will help you build and develop your transferable skills and network with potential employers. We provide a number of tools to help you find the job you want both while you study and when you graduate. If you’re not sure where to begin you can discuss your career options with one of our careers consultants.

Entry And Admission

Mature learners may present a more varied profile of achievement that is likely to include relevant work experience (paid and/or unpaid) with levels of responsibility, participation and/or achievement of relevant professional qualifications. This may be used for recognition of prior learning (RPL).

See the academic and English Level Entry Requirements:

International year 1 in Business and Management

For learners who have recently been in education or training the entry profile is likely to include one of following:

  • A GCE Advanced level profile with achievement in 2 or more subjects supported by
    5 or more GCSEs at grades C and above
  • Other related level 3 subjects such as ATHE level 3 Diplomas
  • An Access to Higher Education Certificate delivered by an approved further
    education institute and validated by an Access Validating Agency
  • Other equivalent international qualifications

English Language Entry Requirements

  • IELTs 5.5
  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) B2
  • Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) 162 or above
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic 42-49

International Year 2 in Business and Management

For learners who have recently been in education or training the entry profile is likely to include
one of the following:

  • Prior study in business, management or related subjects at level 4 or above
  • A level 4 qualification for example an ATHE Level 4 Extended Diploma in Business and
    Management or an ATHE Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management
  • Other equivalent international qualifications

English Language Entry Requirements

  • IELTs 5.5
  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) B2
  • Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) 162 or above
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic 42-49

Visa Requirements

Tier 4 visas

The Tier 4 (General) student visa is suitable for international students studying a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate taught programme lasting longer than six months. When applying for a TIER 4 visa, you must ensure that you can evidence to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) that you meet all the academic and financial requirements. BSMI will support you during the process of your Visa application, but you need to be aware of all the relevant information that you need to provide to us at the time of your application.UKVI use a points-based system for visa applications, and you will need 40 points to qualify for a Tier 4 visa. Points are awarded as follows:

30 points for having a valid Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) statement

Once you have an unconditional offer from us and we have received your 25% tuition fee deposit and you have successfully undertaken a credibility interview with members of BSMI staff, we will send your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies statement (CAS).
Your CAS will include the following details:

  • Your unique CAS reference number
  • Your name, date of birth and passport number
  • Your offer – the title and length of the course and the college details
  • Why we have accepted you – the certificates you have provided, your English language ability and if you have studied in the UK before
  • The course tuition fees and how much you have paid already
  • Our Tier 4 sponsor license number

It is important that you use the same documents to apply for your visa that you did to make your application. This is to ensure that all the information you provide to us is accurate and that your CAS is correct. You will need to apply for your visa using the same information and documents you used for your BSMI application.

UKVI may not award the points if:

  • The information on your CAS does not match the information in your visa application
  • You are using a CAS to apply for a visa more than three months before the start of your course
  • You have used the same CAS before. Each CAS has a unique reference number and can only be used once; if you are making a new Tier 4 visa application, you will need a new CAS statement

10 points for having enough money to support yourself and pay for your course

Course fees

You must show you have enough money to pay the fees for the first year of your course (or the whole course, if less than a year) in an appropriate account for a sufficient period of time. Your CAS will show any money you have already paid to BSMI. This can be taken off the total amount you need to show in your bank account.

Living costs

As BSMI is located outside of London you will need to show £1,015 per month to cover your living costs. You must show you have enough money to cover your living costs for nine months (or the length of your course, if it is less than nine months).

Paying for UK healthcare as part of your student visa application

Students that want to apply for a Tier 4 visa to study in the UK will need to pay a fee to use the National Health Service (NHS) – this is called a ‘migrant health surcharge’. Important information about the migrant health surcharge:

  • paying the surcharge gives you access a wide range of healthcare services, including doctors’ consultations
  • as a student visa applicant, you will need to pay £300 per year in the UK on a Tier 4 visa
  • you must make the payment before you submit or send your visa or immigration application
  • you need to make your payment online (https://www.gov.uk/healthcare- immigration-application/pay)
  • you cannot obtain a tier 4 visa without making this payment.

How to show you have the required money

UKVI will accept any of the following (or a combination) as proof of the required amount of money:

  • Cash funds must be held in a bank account (including advance notice savings and current accounts) for a consecutive 28-day period (finishing on the date of the closing balance) ending no more than one month before your application.
  • A letter from a regulated financial institution confirming a loan
  • An official financial or government sponsorship

You can use money held in an account owned by your parent(s) or legal guardian(s), providing you show evidence that you are related to them, and you have their permission to use this money. More information can be found at the following link: PDF ATTACHMENT for financial guidance Financial guidance for Tier 4 (General) applicants

UKVI may not award the points if:

  • The money is from a credit card or overdraft
  • The money is held with a financial institution that cannot be verified by the UK Home Office. UKVI has a list of these financial institutions
  • The money has not been in the account for a full 28-day period ending no more than 31 days before the date of your application
  • The amount of money shown is not enough when converted to pounds sterling. UKVI will use the exchange rate on the OANDA website  on the date of the closing balance shown on the document provided
  • The money is in an account that is not in your name or the name of your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) whose permission you have. (For example, money held in a business account.)

Tuberculosis Certificate:

  • Applicants will need to obtain a TB certificate if they are studying for over 6 months and have been present in one of the countries listed in Appendix T of the Immigration rules for more than 6 months immediately prior to the visa application: https://www.gov.uk/tb-test-visa/countries-where-you-need-a-tb- test-to-enter-the-uk

Pre- Cas Questionnaire

Once all the submitted documents are assessed and validated by BSMI, we will ask students to complete a PRE-CAS Questionnaire, which will be rigorously checked and compared with the answers given during the Credibility Interview held by BSMI. Please note: If you fail the credibility interview taken with BSMI, you will not be issued a CAS to study your course in the United Kingdom. Please complete the PRE-CAS
questionnaire in an honest and clear way as your answers will be cross- checked with the Credibility Interview to ensure your intentions to study at BSMI is genuine.

Credibility Interviews

  • In addition to the 40 points, you must gain for your CAS and financial evidence, you will be expected to take a Tier 4 credibility interview, either in person at the visa
    application centre via Skype or both. The interview will discuss the course that you wish to study in the UK, where you will be studying, why you have decided to study your chosen course, your personal and financial circumstances, and your future plans after graduation.
  • The interview will also determine if your English language ability is of a suitable standard. These interviews give you the opportunity to demonstrate that you are a genuine student, committed to studying in the UK with a clear understanding of what, why and where you will study.
  • At the interview, you should answer in an honest and clear way. The questions that will be asked should relate to you and your decision to study the course you have chosen. Your interview is likely to be between 8 and 30 questions long, depending on what information the interviewer thinks they need from you.
  • Prior to issuing a CAS, all students must attend to BSMI’s credibility interview, which will last about 45 minutes. During this time, BSMI will ask you all the questions relevant to your chosen studies and how studying this course will help you with your future plans

Essential Reading and Information

Tier 4/Student visa route student visa – https://www.gov.uk/student-visa
Financial guidance for Tier 4 (General) applicants