المدرسة البريطانية للتسويق الدولي

Terms and Conditions

September 2024                                                                                     Review Date: September 2025



1.1 These terms and conditions form part of the Contract between us, British School of Marketing International Limited, and you which you accept by making an application to us to register for a Course or by accepting an Offer from us. If you have any questions or concerns about your Contract with us, you should contact us before accepting the Offer. In these terms and conditions, the definitions and meanings set out below will apply. 


 1.2 In these terms and conditions: 

Term Meaning 


Agent Means a marketing representative duly appointed by the College from time to time authorised to promote the College’s educational services 


College Means British School of Marketing International Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under number 08881233 and an accredited further education provider, having its principal offices at 4a Westover Road, Bournemouth BH1 2BY, UK and will be sometimes referred to as “us” or “we” in these terms and conditions 


Contract Means the agreement between you and the College relating to your studying a Course through the College. These terms and conditions, including the policies and procedures referred to in this document form the Contract. 


Course Means your prospective or registered programme of study with the College; 


Course Duration Means the period of time which has been allocated by the College as the duration for the Course; 


مصاريف Means the tuition fees  and other fees payable by you for participating in the Course as set out in the Website and updated by the College from time to time. 
Offer Means, an offer, conditional or unconditional, made by the College to you of a place on a Course 


Registration Means your registration with us to begin a Course; 




A student attending a Course at the College 
Student Protection Plan 


Means the plan adopted by the College to assess risks for students at the College and provide safeguards and support for students, as amended by the College periodically and made available by the College on the Website 


Website  Means the website operated by the College at https://britishschoolofmarketing.com/ or other designation as used by the College from time to time; 



1.3 There are other policies and procedures operated by the College which will apply to your registration at the College and your Course. Details of these policies and procedures are contained on the Website and you should read them carefully. The policies and procedures of the College may be updated and amended from time to time by the College and it is your responsibility to read these documents carefully as they form part of the Contract between us. 



2.1 The College will only assess your application to join a  Course once it has been completed on the required form and forwarded to us by you directly or through an Agent who is assisting you in your application, with all the information and documents requested by us. 

2.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that all of the information and documents you supply to us are true, accurate and complete, and that all copies of documents are authentic. 

2.3 If the College discovers that any part of your application is incorrect or fraudulent, or if we find that you have omitted any material information, we may amend or withdraw any Offer and if any such incorrect or fraudulent  information is discovered after you have registered with the College or after you have completed a Course, we have the right to terminate your registration and participation in any Course without compensating you and/or revoke any academic award or qualification. 

2.4 Before receiving an Offer, you will be required to provide or facilitate the provision to us of verified copies of  your certificates and/or qualifications and results. Acceptable means of providing these documents are set out on the Website or are available through the Agent, if you are liaising with an Agent. 



3.1 If you meet the academic requirements and any other applicable requirements for admission to a Course on making an application to us, we may make you an Offer. An Offer may be unconditional or conditional on you supplying further information or obtaining further qualifications. 

 3.2 If you do not meet the requirements for admission to a Course on making your application to us, we will notify you of the position and set out any further academic and/or other requirements which you will need to satisfy within any timeframe set out in the notification. 

 3.3 Once you have notified us that you have satisfied any outstanding requirements notified by us and provided evidence satisfactory to us, within our stated timeframes, we will notify you that your Offer is unconditional or issue an unconditional Offer. 

 3.4 If you have not satisfied any outstanding requirements within any timescale notified by us, your application will be deemed to have expired and you will need to re-apply. 

 3.5 We may make changes to an Offer at any time before you accept it. We will inform you of any variation as soon as possible and issue an updated Offer if appropriate. 

 3.6 Offers are personal to you and may not be transferred by you to any third party and will expire if not satisfied within the time specified in it for acceptance or if no time is specified, within a reasonable period. 



4.1 Due to the period which may expire between our publication of Course details and your application, it may be necessary for us to change Course details or contents for reasons beyond our control, subject to the safeguards set out in this Contract and in the Student Protection Plan. We will always use reasonable endeavours to ensure that changes of this kind are kept to a minimum but if we are obliged to make any material changes to a Course (compared to the details previously published by us) we will bring these to your attention as soon as practicable. If you reasonably believe that any of the proposed changes will be adversely detrimental to you, you may withdraw your application for the Course or apply to another Course for which you are qualified. If you withdraw in these circumstances, any Fees you have paid for the Course concerned will be refunded. 

 4.2 We will endeavour to deliver all the Courses described in the Website. However, if there are insufficient applicants to make the Course viable, or other circumstances arise which are beyond our control which will affect its quality or viability, we may cancel the Course. If we discontinue or cancel a Course before your Registration, we will recommend an alternative programme of study. If we are unable to offer a suitable alternative Course or if you are unhappy with the alternative offered, you may withdraw your application. In these circumstances any Fees paid by you for the Course which has been cancelled will be refunded. 



 5.1 If you have met all the academic and/or other requirements for admission and have received an Offer from us, you can accept the Offer by registering online with us before the deadline specified by us in the Offer. 

 5.2 If you do not register with us by the deadline for acceptance, your Offer will lapse. 



 6.1 As you are entering into this Contract remotely (ie we have had no direct contact face to face with you at the time you register with us) you have the right to  cancel this Contract within 14 days after you accept our unconditional Offer of a place on a Course (Cancellation Period). 

 6.2 To cancel the contract within the Cancellation Period you must inform us clearly of your wish to cancel in writing or by using the Model Cancellation Form set out in Appendix 1 and sending it by email to ‘duygu@britishschoolofmarketing.com‘ or by pre-paid registered post to the Director, British School of Marketing International Limited, 4a Westover Road, Bournemouth, Dorset UK BH1 2BY. 

 6.3 In the event of a cancellation by you during the Cancellation Period, we will refund to you any payments under this Contract made by you to the College before the time of cancellation. 

 6.4 If you notify us that you wish to cancel this Contract after the Cancellation Period for any reason after the payment of the tuition and other fees for a Course, we may make a refund to you of the tuition or other fees paid by you for a Course as follows: 

 6.5 Where cancellation takes place for a reason beyond your control such as illness, injury, death, disability or refusal of a visa, and we are supplied with adequate evidence of the relevant reason – 100% of the fees paid will be refunded less a charge of £500 to cover the College’s administrative costs in dealing with your application to that date; 

 6.6 Cancellations made for any other reasons before the Course begins or without any specific cause – 50% of the fees paid will be refunded; and 

 6.7 Cancellations made after the projected commencement date for the Course – there will be no refund in view of the commitments which the College will have made regarding the arrangements for your participation in the Course. 

 6.8 No refunds of fees or other amounts will be paid to Students who are removed from a Course by the College for reasons of non-attendance or breaches of the College’s Code of Conduct for Students or breaches of other codes of conduct or policy set out on the Website. 

 6.9 A refund can only be made under clause 6.4 above if you provide us with the bank account details needed for us to process the payment and a letter signed by your parent or guardian confirming that a refund is requested. Any bank charges made to the College for the relevant payment will be deducted from the refund. 


7. FEES 

 7.1 You agree to pay all tuition fees charged by us for the Course, as set out on the Website. In addition, In relation to English language courses, an enrolment fee and registration fee are also payable.  

 7.2 The Course fees must be paid to us prior to the commencement of the Course when requested by the College. All fees are payable in Pounds Sterling and you will be responsible for any bank charges incurred by you or charged to the College in connection with their payment. 

 7.3 You will not be permitted to commence a Course unless all the related course fees nave been paid to us. 

 7.4 Any fees payable for optional services, food or drinks or other supplies or for any excursions arranged by the College will be payable by you on request by us and may include VAT at the local prevailing rates. 

 7.5 Fees payable for accommodation are dealt with below. 



8.1 In most cases where requested by you the College will arrange for accommodation to be made available for you for the duration of the Course. The accommodation will be in halls of residence, with local families or hotels. Will be suitable for student use and will be within a reasonable travelling distance of the College. 

 8.2 Students attending Courses may arrange their own accommodation provided it is within reasonable proximity to the College’s premises. 

 8.3 Where the College arranges accommodation for you, it will endeavour to ensure that it will be suitable for your needs but can have no liability for any any defects, accidents or adverse events or circumstances connected with the accommodation. You will be responsible for any loss or damage caused by you to any property, equipment or premises connected with the accommodation. You will also need to observe any rules relating to the use of accommodation applied by the owner or provider of the accommodation. 

 8.4 Where the College arranges accommodation for you, up to six months’ fees for the accommodation must be paid by you in advance to the College, when requested. If charges for accommodation are not paid by you at least 2 weeks before the commencement of the Course, the availability of suitable accommodation cannot be guaranteed. 

 8.5 If you request a change of accommodation because you are not happy for any reason with the accommodation supplied, the College will endeavour to find reasonable alternative accommodation but may charge an administration fee of £50 for organising and dealing with the change. 

 8.6 Once the accommodation is confirmed and shared with the student, parent, or agent, the college reserves the right to change, cancel, or terminate the accommodation booking under the following circumstances:

8.6.1 Host Family Cancellation:
– If the host family cancels the accommodation due to personal reasons, BSMI will arrange an alternative host family and provide the student with a new accommodation confirmation.
– No refund will be issued for this change.

8.6.2 Student Dissatisfaction with Host Family:
– If the student is unhappy with the host family for valid reasons, BSMI will change the accommodation free of charge.
– If the request for a host family change is not based on valid reasons, BSMI may charge an administration fee of £50 for organising and dealing with the change.

8.6.3 Violation of College Guidelines:
– BSMI is entitled to request the removal of the student from the college or any college accommodation if the student is not following the college guidelines related to tolerance, respect, and discrimination, or fails to abide by the rules for living in the UK respectfully.

8.6.4 Invalid Reasons for Host Family Change:

Personal Preferences:
– The student simply does not like the host family’s personality or lifestyle without any specific issues affecting their well-being.
– Minor personal differences such as household routines, meal times, or preferences that do not negatively impact the student’s comfort or learning.
Location Convenience:
– The student wishes to change the host family because they prefer to live closer to friends or attractions, despite the current accommodation being within reasonable distance from the school.
Food Preferences:
– The student dislikes the type of food provided, even though it meets reasonable standards and dietary restrictions they have previously communicated.
House Rules:
– The student does not agree with reasonable house rules set by the host family, such as curfews, cleaning duties, or respecting communal spaces.
Small Inconveniences:
– Complaints about minor issues, such as occasional noise from the household, differences in daily routines, or temporary inconveniences like minor household repairs.
Aesthetic Preferences:
– The student requests a change because they do not like the style, decoration, or appearance of the home.

Please refer to the following document for more information: Disciplinary Procedures for Students



 9.1 We will deliver your Course with reasonable care and skill and in accordance with the details applicable to it set out in the prospectus in the Website. We reserve the right to make alterations to the contents or delivery of the Course from time to time so long as they do not affect the Course’s objectives. 

 9.2 You will have to attend the Course as required and carry out course work which is required by us. The College is required to keep records of attendances and a failure to attend the Course may involve a breach of the terms of issue of your visa and could lead to exclusion from the Course and the cancellation of your UK visa. 

 9.3 You will be entitled to use College facilities as described in the Prospectus for the Course Duration and during their normal hours of availability, subject to their non-availability for maintenance or operational reasons. 

 9.4 Course internal assessments of your work will be carried out by the College and awards or external marking or moderation will be referred by the College to Awards for Training and Higher Education or other external bodies appointed by the College. 



 10.1 Your application information and the information relating to you obtained by the College from you and third parties will form part of your student record. By entering into this Contract with the College, you agree to the College holding and processing your data, including where applicable, special category personal data. We will use and process your personal data for purposes connected with and required for the successful delivery of the Course and in accordance with our data protection policy as set out on the Website. 

 10.2 You agree that our Data Protection Policy which can be found on the Website, or is available from us on request, will apply to your application and throughout the Course Duration and for a reasonable period thereafter as stated in the Policy. 



 11.1 By registering on a Course, you are required to agree that the College’s Code of Conduct for Students, and other policies and procedures, will apply to you. These policies will include: 

         11.1.1 The College’s Code of Conduct for Students; 

         11.1.2 Health and Safety Policy; 

         11.1.3 Data Protection Policy; 

         11.1.4 Website Use policy; 

         11.1.5 Bullying and Abusive Behaviour Policy; 

         11.1.6 Prevention of Radicalisation Policy. 

Please refer to the following document for more information: STUDENT DISCIPLINARY POLICY AND PROCEDURES

These policies may be altered, updated or supplemented from time to time by the College and you will be required to confirm that you have read and understand the policies as part of your induction procedure. 

11.2 One of the possible results of failing to observe any of the College’s policies is that the College may terminate your Contract and you may be suspended or removed from a Course. In this event, you will not be entitled to any refund of fees previously paid to the College.  



12.1 The College does not seek to limit or exclude its liability for death or personal injury arising out of the College’s negligence or breach of contract or any fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability which the College cannot be law exclude. 

 12.2 Subject to the above, the College (including its staff and representatives) will have no liability to you for any loss, damage, costs or expenses arising under or in connection with this Contract except where such loss is directly caused by the College or its staff or representatives. The College will not be laible in any event for any losses which were not reasonably foreseeable to both parties when the Contract was formed. The College does not accept liability for loss of goodwill or opportunity or loss of profit or reputation. 

 12.3 The College cannot accept responsibility for any loss of or damage to your personal property, for which you are advised to arrange appropriate insurance against risk of loss or damage. 

 12.4 Any remaining liability of the College in contract, tort, breach of duty, misrepresentation or otherwise, will be limited in aggregate to the total amount of the Course fees payable by you to the College under this Contract. 



 13.1 The College has appointed agents in various territories to act as its marketing representatives and to recruit potential students. If you have been recruited through an agent, you should be aware that the College will only accept referrals from its appointed agents. 

 13.2 Save as stated in this Contract, the College cannot accept any liability for any statements, claims or agreements offered on its behalf by agents unless they replicate statements on the Website or are contained or confirmed in this Contract. 



 14.1 This Contract, and the documents referred to and specifically incorporated in it, will form the entire agreement between us relating to your admission to a Course and all previous discussions, arrangements and understandings whether written or oral will have no legal effect unless set out in this Contract. 

 14.2 This Contract is between you and us and no third party will be able to have any rights under it or enforce it. 

 14.3 The College will have the right to assign this Contract to a third party without your approval for any purpose. 

 14.4 Where a party under this Contract has rights or claims which it does not enforce, or delays in doing so, that will not mean that that party has waived its rights. 

 14.5 This Contract and any matters arising out of it will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law and the courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any claims related to it.  

 14.6 Where a student is under 18 years of age at the time of applying for a place on a Course, the Contract must be countersigned by a parent who will be asked to consent to the Student attending the College and guaranteeing that all sums due to the College in respect of the Student will be paid.