Tier 4 签证
The Tier 4 (General) student visa is suitable for international students studying a full-
time undergraduate or postgraduate taught programme lasting longer than six months.
When applying for a TIER 4 visa, you must ensure that you can evidence to UK Visas and
Immigration (UKVI) that you meet all the academic and financial requirements. BSMI
will support you during the process of your Visa application, but you need to be aware
of all the relevant information that you need to provide to us at the time of your
UKVI use a points-based system for visa applications, and you will need 40 points to
qualify for a Tier 4 visa. Points are awarded as follows:
拥有有效的研究录取确认书 (CAS) 声明可得 30 分
Once you have an unconditional offer from us and we have received your 25% tuition
fee deposit and you have successfully undertaken a credibility interview with members
of BSMI staff, we will send your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies statement (CAS).
您的 CAS 将包含以下详细信息:
- 您唯一的 CAS 参考编号
- 您的姓名、出生日期和护照号码
- 你的报价——课程的名称和长度以及大学的详细信息
- 我们为什么接受你——你提供的证书、你的英语语言能力以及你是否曾在英国学习过
- 课程学费以及您已经支付了多少
- 我们的 Tier 4 赞助商执照号码
It is important that you use the same documents to apply for your visa that you did to
make your application. This is to ensure that all the information you provide to us is
accurate and that your CAS is correct. You will need to apply for your visa using the
same information and documents you used for your BSMI application.
如果出现以下情况,UKVI 可能不会授予积分:
- CAS 上的信息与签证申请中的信息不符
- 您在开始前三个月以上使用 CAS 申请签证
你的课程 - You have used the same CAS before. Each CAS has a unique reference number and can
only be used once; if you are making a new Tier 4 visa application, you will need a
新的 CAS 声明
有足够的钱养活自己并支付课程费用,得 10 分
您必须证明您有足够的钱在适当的帐户中支付课程第一年(或整个课程,如果少于一年)的费用足够长的时间。您的 CAS 将显示您已支付给 BSMI 的所有款项。这可以从您需要在银行账户中显示的总金额中扣除。
As BSMI is located outside of London you will need to show £1,015 per month to cover
your living costs. You must show you have enough money to cover your living costs for
nine months (or the length of your course, if it is less than nine months).
Students that want to apply for a Tier 4 visa to study in the UK will need to pay a fee to
use the National Health Service (NHS) – this is called a ‘migrant health surcharge’.
- 支付附加费可让您获得广泛的医疗保健服务,包括
医生咨询 - 作为学生签证申请人,您需要在英国每年支付 300 英镑的 Tier 4 签证
签证 - 您必须在提交或发送签证或移民之前付款
应用 - 您需要在线付款 (https://www.gov.uk/healthcare-
移民申请/支付) - 如果不支付这笔费用,您将无法获得 Tier 4 签证。
UKVI 将接受以下任何一项(或组合)作为所需的证明
- 现金资金必须存入银行账户(包括提前通知储蓄和
活期账户)连续 28 天(截止日期为
期末余额)在申请前一个月结束。 - 受监管金融机构出具的确认贷款的信函
- 官方财政或政府赞助
You can use money held in an account owned by your parent(s) or legal guardian(s),
providing you show evidence that you are related to them, and you have their
permission to use this money. More information can be found at the following link: PDF
ATTACHMENT for financial guidance
如果出现以下情况,UKVI 可能不会授予积分:
- 这笔钱来自信用卡或透支
- 这笔钱由英国家庭无法核实的金融机构持有
办公室。 UKVI 有这些金融机构的名单 - 这笔钱在不超过 28 天的时间内没有存入账户
申请日期前 31 天 - 转换为英镑时显示的金额不足。英国移民局
将使用 OANDA 网站上结算余额日期的汇率
显示在所提供的文件上 - 这笔钱存在一个不在您名下或您父母名下的账户中,或者
获得您许可的法定监护人。 (例如,企业持有的资金
- Applicants will need to obtain a TB certificate if they are studying for over 6
months and have been present in one of the countries listed in Appendix T of the
Immigration rules for more than 6 months immediately prior to the visa
application: https://www.gov.uk/tb-test-visa/countries-where-you-need-a-tb-
Once all the submitted documents are assessed and validated by BSMI, we will ask
students to complete a PRE-CAS Questionnaire, which will be rigorously checked and
compared with the answers given during the Credibility Interview held by BSMI.
Please note: If you fail the credibility interview taken with BSMI, you will not be issued
a CAS to study your course in the United Kingdom. Please complete the PRE-CAS
questionnaire in an honest and clear way as your answers will be cross- checked with
the Credibility Interview to ensure your intentions to study at BSMI is genuine.
- In addition to the 40 points, you must gain for your CAS and financial evidence, you
will be expected to take a Tier 4 credibility interview, either in person at the visa
application centre via Skype or both. The interview will discuss the course that you
wish to study in the UK, where you will be studying, why you have decided to study
your chosen course, your personal and financial circumstances, and your future plans
after graduation. - The interview will also determine if your English language ability is of a suitable
standard. These interviews give you the opportunity to demonstrate that you are a
genuine student, committed to studying in the UK with a clear understanding of
what, why and where you will study. - 面试时,你应该诚实、清楚地回答。那些问题
will be asked should relate to you and your decision to study the course you have
chosen. Your interview is likely to be between 8 and 30 questions long, depending on
what information the interviewer thinks they need from you. - Prior to issuing a CAS, all students must attend to BSMI’s credibility interview, which
will last about 45 minutes. During this time, BSMI will ask you all the questions
relevant to your chosen studies and how studying this course will help you with your
future plans
Tier 4/学生签证路线学生签证 – https://www.gov.uk/student-visa
Tier 4(一般)申请人的财务指导
第 4 层支持和指导2.O