Health and Safety policy


September 2024Review date: September 2025



BSMI is fully committed to following regulations set by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Main duties under the regulations include: making risk assessments to the health and safety of BSMI employees and students. This policy acts upon the risks identified in order to reduce them appointing competent persons to oversee health and safety procedures and guidelines within the college. It is the Director’s responsibility to produce, update and develop the policy and ensure that all the employees and contractors understand and comply with the BSMI health and safety requirements.

Health and Safety Policy

BSMI takes the full responsibility for producing, implementing, managing and monitoring the health and safety procedures for all the staff and students. The purpose of this policy is to set out guidelines to be implemented and monitored by all the staff ensuring students’ health and safety at the college.

Policy statement for BSMI contains the following information:

  • Implementing health and safety procedures to ensure all the staff and students are safe.
  • Communicating health and safety regulations to staff and students to ensure their understanding of the guidelines.
  • Ensuring all the staff accept their duty of care for health and safety including the Managing Director
  • Reviewing and updating of the health and safety policy on a regular basis

Health and Safety Policy Statement

  1. Miss Duygu Cevik, the Director of British School of Marketing International, fully understands her duties and complies with the “Health and Safety at Work Act 1974” to ensure all the training and resources are provided for the health and safety of both students and staff.
  2. The Director and senior management are all aware of their responsibilities related to Health and Safety issues and other employees are also committed to identifying, eliminating and controlling any hazards encountered at the college.
  3. BSMI ensures that all employees are provided with sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision and in particular are made aware of any foreseeable hazards connected to their work.
  4. BSMI is also committed to providing health and safety measures for other including parents of students, contractors and visitors that may be also affected by the activities at the college.
  5. BSMI ensures that college health and safety guidelines are adhered to at all times by the employees, students and visitors. This statement and the health and safety policy will be also communicated to all members of staff via BSMI’s induction and training sessions. A copy of the health and safety policy will be issued to every member of staff via staff and teachers handbooks.




The Director

The Director has the overall responsibility to ensure the health and safety of students, employees, visitors and contractors.

The Director will:

  • Be responsible for and accountable through the management chain to report (all the health and safety matters between the college and the regulatory bodies) to implement and monitor of this policy.
  • Ensure that sufficient information, instruction, supervision and training are provided for all employees and students.
  • Ensure that all the student and work activities are properly planned and resourced and that adequate risk assessments are undertaken.
  • Cover all the aspects of first aid and reporting systems that can be used to evaluate the need for further training for staff and students.
  • Liaise with contractors to ensure all the physical resources and training is provided within the collegefor fire prevention and suitable arrangements are made for testing the alarm systems, firefighting equipment and all the records are maintained.
  • Ensure that adequate fire drills are carried out and recorded.
  • Ensure adequate emergency procedures are in place for fire and first aid.
  • Liaise with the contractors to ensure all the work delivered on site including cleaning and site security in accordance with the college policies and procedures.

Health and Safety Responsibilities for all Academic Staff

Academic staff are responsible for the implementation of the Policy. Academic staff have responsibilities to protect anyone from foreseeable harm.

Academic members of staff in positions of responsibility for others (e.g. teaching, leading, instructing or supervising) are responsible for:
Policy implementationEnsuring that the school’s rules and procedures are adhered to by all the members of academic staff and students.
Risk assessmentsAttending risk assessment training, ensuring risk assessments are conducted where appropriate and all those who may be affected are advised of relevant hazards.
Safety behaviourDemonstrating personal concern for health and safety at work through example and commitment, and encouraging those that they supervise to do the same.
Safety equipmentChecking that all necessary safety equipment is available, adequate, properly maintained and used as specified.
Consultation with staffResolving health and safety issues on the premises in consultation with those who may be affected and bringing strategic issues to the attention of the Managing Director.
Information, Instruction, Training & SupervisionProviding employees and students with sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision, and in particular, make them aware of any foreseeable hazards connected with their work.

Evacuating students promptly from classrooms in the case of emergency situations and fire evacuations in accordance with company procedures.

Accident & Incident ResponseComplying with the school’s accident/incident reporting procedure and instigating an investigation of accidents if and when required.
Monitoring progressReporting hazards and risks which are outside of their power to control to the nominated person(s) within the school (Duygu Cevik or Paul Fazakarley), as well as any concerns about discharging any of the above responsibilities.


Health and Safety Responsibilities for all Employees

Every employee has health and safety responsibilities mentioned in their contract of work, it is their legal responsibility to abide by this policy.

Co-operationContributing as necessary to the formulation of risk assessments and other safety documents.

Working with other employees towards the implementation of all health & safety related policies.

Safety behaviourActing with due care for the health, safety and welfare of themselves and others.

Not intentionally or recklessly interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.

Safety equipmentReporting any loss or obvious defect to safety equipment and taking reasonable care of it.
Following information, instructions & training givenComplying with health, safety & wellbeing information given as well as with any explicit instructions issued for safe working and the safety of the public e.g. by following safe systems of work.
Making full and proper use of everything provided in accordance with any training given.
Not operating work equipment unless they have authorisation to do so.
Accident and Incident ResponseMaking sure that an appropriate and accurate record is made following any accident or near-miss which has (or could have) led to injury or ill-health.

Co-operating with any investigation which may be undertaken with the objective of preventing accidents or near-misses and their reoccurrence.

Reporting concernsInforming their manager(s) and or appropriate person of any shortcomings in respect of the protection arrangements for health and safety and anything that could be considered as representing a serious or immediate danger to health and safety.

Reporting to their manager, supervisor and or appropriate person, any defects in equipment, structures or safety procedures which they are aware of and of any incidents which have led or might have led to injury or damage.

Operations and Facilities Manager (Paul Fazakarley)

The Operations and Facilities Manager is responsible for implementation of the health and safety procedures at the college.

The Operations and Facilities Manager will ensure:

  • That all the risk assessments are carried out, up to date and implemented by the BSMI staff
  • All the staff are made aware of the possible risks related to fire safety and all the control measures are in place to minimize the risks of fire.
  • Weekly testing of fire alarms, and six-monthly testing of emergency lighting.
  • Full evacuation to be carried out every six months.
  • That BSMI staff understand all procedures relating to first aid at work.
  • That all incidents are reported in the accident book.


  1. Student Safety
  2. Supervision of students
  3. First Aid Policy
  4. Disclosure of medication
  5. Administration of medication
  6. Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Diabetes and Epilepsy
  7. Blood, avoiding contamination
  8. Fire Safety
  9. Waste Disposal
  10. Accident Reporting
  11. Risk Assessments
  12. Office Safety
  13. Electrical Safety
  14. Property maintenance
  15. Off-site visits
  16. Road Safety
  17. Breaks: Morning, afternoon and lunch time
  18. Security
  19. Health and Safety Training
  20. Contractors and visitors
  21. Bullying and abusive behaviour
  22. Stress
  23. Use of social media, internet and photography



  1. Student Safety

Students at BSMI will be provided with clear guidelines as to what is expected of them at the college and outside college times regarding the basic Health and Safety regulations and procedures. The main emphasis will be on students’ personal safety making them aware of all the emergency contact numbers including the college’s emergency contact details. Students studying at BSMI are asked to fill in their emergency contact details prior to arrival at BSMI. The form is also uploaded onto the BSMI system so that operations and facilities manager can contact the emergency contact person at all times via the BSMI system. If students under the age of 18 are not at the college for any reason, the accommodation officer will contact the host families to find out their whereabouts within the first half an hour of the lesson. If the students’ poor attendance continues, BSMI will contact the person provided within the emergency contact form to notify them of the students’ absences. If there is no improvement BSMI will take further action and contact UKVI to inform of the situation.

Students must wear a BSMI lanyard when they are in college. Lanyards indicate the student’s name, host family address, English level and emergency contact number. Pink lanyards are for all students over 18, and blue lanyards are for those aged under 18 – therefore any staff member can easily distinguish any students that are aged under 18 and therefore exercise the correct duty of care for that age group.

  1. Supervision of students

Pre-arrival procedure for under 18s:

BSMI has a dedicated enrolment form for under 18s which is available on the BSMI website. As well as asking for biodata and course information the form also asks for emergency contact details, and a Parental Permission form must also be downloaded, completed, scanned and returned to BSMI. The Parental Consent form includes sections regarding the safety and well-being of students who are living in host family accommodation, student accommodation and also on occasions where there is an out of college activity. Sections covered include Health and Safety, curfew times for host families and student accommodation, as well as punctuality regarding meal times when staying with a host family. There is also a Disability form for all students: this must be downloaded, completed and scanned.

On arrival procedure:

Students will receive an induction on arrival detailing specific expectations in terms of behaviour and discipline through college rules. In addition, students will be guided towards sections of the Student Handbook which also outlines procedures including fire, first aid, anti-radicalisation, anti-bullying and the use of IT facilities, as well as attendance and time-keeping.

This will be delivered in clear and accessible English for all language levels. All students must attend the induction as part of their course as students will be provided with information relating to their courses, assessments and timetables.

  1. First Aid Policy

BSMI has two qualified First Aiders who have a valid First Aid at Work Certificate. BSMI ensures that First Aid boxes are adequately supplied and within date. The First Aiders are responsible for restocking the first aid boxes if and when required. A list stating the suggested contents of First Aid Boxes can be found on the HSE website. First Aiders must report any incidents/accidents through the BSMI accident reporting procedure by logging the incident in the First Aid book.

First Aiders should respond to call-outs immediately, assessing the situation quickly and safely and where appropriate summoning extra help. The casualty should be attended and treated as early as possible and appropriately. First Aiders must protect themselves, casualties and others at the scene from any possible dangers. As far as is reasonably practicable, First Aiders should prevent cross-infection between the first aider and the casualty by wearing gloves and washing hands thoroughly before (if possible) and after any treatment.

Following an incident, First Aiders should thoroughly clean the area where the incident occurred, ensuring that any waste is disposed of in the correct manner.

  1. Disclosure of Medical Information:

There are enrolment forms available on the website both for adults and under 18 students which need to be completed as part of the application process. On the enrolment forms, there are sections referring to disabilities students may have. It is a mandatory field that agent/sponsor or parents must complete and give further details for any medical condition a student may have. In addition to this, BSMI also has a Disability Questionnaire Form which must be completed for anyone with a recognized disability.

Once a medical condition is enclosed, it is then passed on to the relevant departments in order to make further adjustments to students course of study and welfare facilities at the college. Disclosure of such information is treated with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality and will only be shared with the teachers of the students’ class and the welfare officer. Students with a medical condition will be easily identified on the system and the register of that class. Director of Studies will also inform other parties involved in the welfare of the student such First Aid Providers and Fire Marshals.

  1. Administration of medication

There are enrolment forms available on the website both for adults and under 18 students which need to be completed as part of the application process. On the enrolment forms, there are sections referring to disabilities students may have. It is a mandatory field that agent/sponsor or parents must complete and give further details for any medical condition a student may have. In addition to this, BSMI also has a Disability Questionnaire Form which must be completed for anyone with a recognized disability.

Once a medical condition is enclosed, it is then passed on to the relevant departments in order to make further adjustments to students course of study and welfare facilities at the college. Disclosure of such information is treated with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality and will only share with the teachers of the students’ class and the welfare officer. Students with a medical condition will be easily identified on the system and the register of that class. Director of Studies will also inform other parties involved in the welfare of the student such First Aid Providers and Fire Marshals.

Qualified First Aiders and staff at BSMI do not have any legal or contractual obligation to administer medicine or to supervise a pupil taking medicine. While teachers and staff have a professional duty to safeguard the health and safety of pupils and a general legal duty of care towards them at all times, this does not imply a duty upon teachers personally to undertake the administration of medicines.

In cases of accident and emergency, teachers and First Aiders must always be prepared to help as they and other college staff in charge of pupils have their general legal duty of care to act as any reasonably prudent parent would. In such emergencies, teachers and First Aiders should do what is obviously necessary and appropriate to relieve extreme distress or prevent further and otherwise irreparable harm.

Where a student needs prescribed medication the following is assumed:

Most medication is prescribed three times per day. Parents or guardians can, therefore, administer medication before school, after college and before going to bed. Medication should not normally be required during the college day.

However, if prescribed medication (such as antibiotics) is required at lunchtime it will be administered on completion of a ‘Request for BSMI to Administer Medication’ form, available from the Reception.

Parents of students with asthma or eczema requiring medication in school are asked to complete the same form mentioned above. Students requiring inhalers or cream for eczema will then be supervised whilst administering their own medication.

All such medication must be kept in a locked cabinet at the school.

  1. Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Diabetes and Epilepsy

BSMI understands that some students (and staff) may suffer from asthma. Students suffering from asthma are entitled to enjoy and participate in all college activities. It is BSMI’s policy to support asthmatic students so that they are able to get full value from their stay at the college. We aim to provide a safe environment for asthmatic students and to ensure that other students and staff are able to support them. The BSMI Partners system contains details of all students suffering from asthma. All staff should be made aware of the location of each student’s inhaler. Spare inhalers can be kept in a locked cabinet at college if a student, parent or guardian requests this.

Anaphylaxis can be life-threatening: it is a severe allergic reaction and this can sometimes result in circulatory collapse and hypotension. Any food can cause anaphylaxis but there are certain high-risk foods including nuts, fish, shellfish, cow’s milk and eggs which can cause this. Symptoms often affect the mouth first, with a sensation of burning, itching or irritation on the lips, mouth or throat. A loss of consciousness and suffocation is possible in some severe cases.

Diabetes is a disorder where the body is unable to control the amount of blood sugar. Diabetics often use insulin injections as a way of regulating blood sugar levels.

Epilepsy is a tendency to have frequent or recurrent seizures or fits. It affects approximately 0.5% of the population (one in 200). Seizures may involve a short period of unconsciousness. If a seizure is happening it is important for everyone to understand the situation so as to avoid panic.

Medical conditions are exhaustive, but for each of the conditions mentioned above, it is BSMI’s policy that a clear agreement is arranged between the college and the parent or guardian of each student. Information about administering medication should be clearly indicated to BSMI prior to the arrival of each student.

  1. Blood and other bodily fluids, Avoiding Contamination

First Aiders and all other staff should make themselves familiar with this procedure before dealing with any spillage of blood or other bodily fluids.

  1. Wash hands first.
  2. Put on disposable gloves.
  3. Clean wound as necessary or ask a first aider to treat it.
  4. Dress wound if necessary.
  5. Dispose of the gloves and wipes. Put all contaminated material in a sealed or knotted plastic bag, and dispose of separately.
  6. Thoroughly wash hands again.
  7. Record incident in the Accident Book.
  1. Fire Safety

If you discover a fire, sound the Fire Alarm immediately.

If you are free, try to extinguish the fire using the appropriate fire extinguisher. However, use your judgement. Never risk yourself or others.

When the fire alarm sounds it consists of a continuous ringing of electric bells.

When hearing the alarm, students should follow the Teachers’ instructions and leave the building in a quiet, orderly manner, using the route indicated by the teacher. Other staff members should assist all students leaving the classroom and building, before carrying out any assigned or necessary duties. Any visitors to the college should be instructed to follow at the back of the line.

Whoever discovers the fire must ensure that any member of staff telephone the Fire Brigade immediately and report the incident.

They should accompany all members of their classes, and any class visitors, to the agreed fire assembly point. The BSMI fire assembly point is directly opposite the college building on Westover Road adjacent to The Stable Restaurant. It is the Class Teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all students walk quietly to the assembly point. Teachers should take the class registers with them if possible.

At the fire assembly point, a head count of each class must be taken by the teacher responsible for that class. The Class Teacher then informs the Operations and Facilities Manager or Director of Studies of the number of students present and, in the names of any missing students if necessary.

The Fire Marshal will be responsible for checking toilets, offices and classrooms prior to leaving the building. It is the Class Teacher’s responsibility to ensure that anyone attached to their class are accounted for once checks have been completed.

All persons in the building should walk (not run) at all times. Doors should be opened with caution. Corridors should be kept clear at all times to enable ease of movement when leaving the building.

When the Managing Director is satisfied that the situation is safe he will instruct the teachers, students and any visitors accordingly.


Fire Drills

Fire alarms are tested on a weekly basis. There are currently two fire alarms, one located on the first floor landing, the other on the second-floor landing. The fire alarms on each landing are tested on alternate weeks.

There are currently four emergency lights in the building. These are tested once every six months.

Fire drills are carried out every six months. Staff and students are expected to treat the drill with the utmost respect. Once staff, students and visitors have arrived at the fire assembly point, all procedures for roll call must be followed as if is a real fire. The time taken to evacuate the building and arrive at the assembly point must be recorded each time there is a fire drill. If it takes longer than the recognised time, the cause/s will be investigated and the Fire marshal will consider redoing the fire drill again if deemed necessary. At BSMI, the time for evacuation should never exceed four minutes.

Once the fire drill is complete, everyone will be instructed by the Director of Studies – or in their absence by a deputy – to return quietly to their classrooms / and or offices. Feedback will be given about how well the fire drill went and told about any changes necessary if things under-performed. The importance of regular fire drills and the ongoing need for safety should be communicated to everyone. Any problems or difficulties with the procedure after a fire drill must be reported to the Director immediately afterwards.

  1. Waste Disposal

The arrangements for removing waste from BSMI are reviewed annually by the Operations and Facilities Manager to ensure they remain satisfactory. Currently, waste is removed from the premises twice per week, once at weekends, and once on Wednesday evenings. At busy times it is sometimes necessary to remove waste more frequently than twice a week – at these times management and staff are responsible for removing extra waste.

  1. Accident reporting

All accidents should be reported to the Operations and Facilities Manager. All accidents should be recorded in the Accident Book in accordance with BSMI policy.

The Accident Book should contain the following information:

Name of injured person


Description of the injury sustained

Treatment given

Should a student aged under 18 suffer a head injury at college or at an outside activity, a letter should be sent to their parent or guardian. This letter should be sent on the day of the incident.

More serious accidents will be investigated to try to prevent them from recurring. This investigation must be documented.

If there is a serious accident at the college or at a BSMI offsite activity involving a student, member of staff or visitor the Managing Director must always be informed.

Any injury deemed serious should be declared to the Health & Safety Executive local office and also to the Managing Director.

If an injury is serious enough for a person to be taken directly to hospital from BSMI or an offsite BSMI activity, parents, guardians and agents must be informed as early as possible and the Health & Safety Executive must also be notified.

  1. Risk Assessments

British School of Marketing International will carry out Risk Assessments for all college activities to comply with current legislative requirements.

BSMI Risk Assessments will evaluate the potential dangers and hazards, which persons could be harmed by them and how they could be harmed. Adequate control measures will then need to be put in place for each Risk Assessment.

The Risk Assessment will then need to be reviewed by the Operations and Facilities Manager. The Risk Assessment may then need to be revised as necessary. Reviews of all Risk Assessments will take place annually. Changes may be required, for example, if there is building work being carried out at the college.

  1. Office safety

BSMI offices, classrooms, stairs and corridors are regularly checked for safety, for example, to ensure that trailing cables from computers do not cause tripping hazards.

BSMI checks that there is adequate storage provided for files etc. Space under desks and open floor areas should not be used for storage.

Corridors and exits are checked to ensure they are free from obstructions and that doors are unlocked. Stairways should be in good repair and are not blocked with storage items.

Fire extinguishers are easily accessible and visible. They are checked annually, and fully operational.

  1. Electrical Safety

There are many dangers relating to electricity and electrical safety and many people are aware of the potential hazards. The most dangerous thing in the college and any building is electricity. It must be treated with the utmost respect. The Electricity at Work Regulations requires certain duties for organisations and businesses to meet to ensure electricity and electrical equipment is kept as safe as possible for users.

The following procedures are adhered to regarding the use of electricity at BSMI:

  • All portable electrical appliances (anything with a plug) must be tested as necessary by an electrical engineer. The frequency of these tests varies according to the equipment.
  • All staff should look for signs of damaged cables and loose covers and should be especially aware of any signs of burning.
  • All staff members should check each item of electrical equipment prior to use.
  • Faults must be reported to the Managing Director immediately. Any faults should be repaired immediately where possible. If the fault relates to a faulty appliance, then the appliance should not be used until repaired or replaced.
  • BSMI does not allow anyone to work on any electrical circuitry or appliances. Any work required should be carried out by a specialist contractor.
  • Trailing cables must notbe allowed to cross floors, walkways or stairs.
  • The fixed electrical system should be tested at about five-yearly intervals.


  1. Property maintenance

Buildings and maintenance checks are carried out regularly at British School of Marketing international, BSMI staff are vigilant about the importance of the upkeep of property maintenance. The building should always be kept in good condition so that it remains safe for staff, students and visitors alike. Should any defects in the condition of the building be discovered these should be reported directly to the Managing Director or Operations and Facilities Manager. Appropriate action will then be taken with a reputable building company.

  1. Off-site visits

BSMI has a number of offsite visits throughout the year. An offsite visit is any visit or event that takes place away from the college premises.

Risk Assessment Record forms must be completed for any off-site visits before the visit takes place:

Regardless of whether the visit is for a whole day, half a day, or even if students are only to be off-site for an hour, a proper Risk Assessment must be carried out prior to the event. Any risk rating above 2 must result in immediate further action to reduce risk. Risk rating of 9 or more should be reported to the Managing Director immediately. The proposed activity is likely to be cancelled unless the risk can be reduced substantially before the event takes place.

A preliminary visit must be made to the venue by staff members to check the facilities for themselves. Risk Assessment forms must be forwarded to the Managing Director for every offsite. The Risk Assessment process also determines the level of first aid cover for offsite visits.

It is the responsibility of each activity organiser or teacher to ensure that all necessary checks have been made. All risk assessment documentation must be completed and approved before the visit takes place.

Minimum ratios permissible are:

For Adults (aged 18+): 1 adult for every 15 students

For Juniors (aged 16 – 17 yrs): 1 adult for every 10 students

In cases where external activity providers are used, for example, Museums, teachers must ensure that all facilities and procedures fully follow BSMI guidelines. Most external providers will have their own risk assessments, but the college must all be on guard to expect the unexpected. BSMI staff members should always ask the question ‘What happens if…?’

First aid kits are always taken on all off-site visits.

Travel arrangements for offsite visits

Coach Bookings

When making a booking the school will need to know the following information:-

  • The number of students, and accompanying adults, including teachers, and parent helpers
  • Departure times from BSMI or external location, arrival at the venue, departure from the venue and arrival back at BSMI
  • Parking arrangements at the venue including costs of coach parking if applicable also need to be considered

On the day, the college must know:-

  • exactly who is on the coach or coaches (if more than one). This includes students, teachers and adult helpers

At least one teacher on each coach to carry a mobile phone (fully charged), and for the office to be informed of their mobile telephone numbers. Contact between BSMI and the off-site student party must be guaranteed at all times.

Coach Travel

  1. In the UK on coach travel the law stipulates that all passengers must wear a seat belt at all times. Supervising adults must ensure that the belts are correctly adjusted to fit each student
  2. Students must not sit on any adult’s lap, even if it is their own parent
  3. Passengers must remain properly seated whilst the coach is moving or stopped in traffic
  4. At least one adult must be seated by each emergency exit
  5. All adults should be aware of the location of emergency exits and fire extinguishers on the coach
  6. Students should not sit in the front seats of the coach or in the centre rear seat (facing the aisle)
  7. All students must behave in an orderly and mannered way at all times
  8. The group organiser or leader should ensure that no property is left on the coach at the end of the activity or event
  9. The coach should be left in a clean and tidy condition.

The Managing Director or Operations and Facilities Manager must check all arrangements for off-site visits before the visit commences. A risk assessment must be completed for any and every off-site visit and approved by the Managing Director, the Director of Studies or the Activities Manager.

  1. Road Safety

Road safety awareness is of paramount importance at British School of Marketing International. BSMI encourages safe practice with road safety awareness, including safe cycling and use of pedestrian crossings.

BSMI will promote the wearing of seatbelts in all cars.

Parents and students will be informed of current seat belt legislation in the UK. Parents, guardians and host family providers should always exercise extreme vigilance when collecting and delivering their children and ensure that seat belts are worn at all times, no matter how short the journey.

Staff must observe the following if they are transporting students:-

  • Staff can only transport a student as long as their vehicle is insured to cover official business and passenger use. A copy of the relevant insurance documentation must be held by BSMI.
  • The vehicle must be in good repair and legal to drive on roads with an MOT certificate (where required) and appropriate vehicle insurance. The Highway Code should be observed at all times.
  • Before transporting any student written permission must be supplied by the parent.
  • Any transportation arrangements involving students in staff cars must be fully informed to the Managing Director.
  1. Breaks: Morning, afternoon and lunchtime

It is expected that standards of conduct in the external area and around BSMI are consistent at all times of the day.

Mid-morning and afternoon breaks are for a duration of 10 minutes, and all students are expected to return to class after the break unless they have told their teacher(s) otherwise. Morning classes end at lunchtime and students are free to leave the building.

  1. Security

BSMI takes security very seriously and it is vital to make BSMI secure at all times of day. Main entrance doors should not be left open where this would allow access to any outside visitors. All students and other visitors are required to shut the main door when entering or leaving the building.


  • Visitors to BSMI should report to the main reception on the second floor.
  • All visitors, including regular visitors and contractors, must sign the Visitor’s Book at Reception. Visitors will be given a visitor’s lanyard. These must worn at all times in the college and must be visible, and worn outside clothing such as jackets, coats, jumpers etc
  • If any unknown or uninvited visitors enter the premises, or not wearing a BSMI lanyard, please see the intruder section below
  • Contractors working on the premises will be given a copy of the Fire Instructions
  • If contractors are doing ‘hot work’ they must complete the questionnaire in the Fire Safety Log Book
  • When leaving the building visitors should sign out and return their lanyard.

Valuable Equipment

  • Any valuable, personal equipment (over £50) should be security marked and an Inventory should be compiled and maintained by the Operations and Facilities Manager.

Personal Property

  • Staff are responsible for the security of their own personal possessions.
  • Valuable items and excessive money should not be bought to the school. BSMI advises all students and staff to only bring what is necessary to school.
  • Parents are encouraged to identify students’ clothing by securing name-tags to all garments.

Cash Handling

  • Large amounts of cash for school events or activities should be banked on the same day. Large amounts of money should never be left in the school overnight. This money should be banked on the same day.


If an intruder enters the building the following system should be followed.

  • All members of staff are responsible for maintaining the security of the building at all times. Visitors should always be directed to Reception where they sign in and collect a visitor’s lanyard. This indicates to all staff and students that the person is a visitor.
  • Staff coming into contact with a visitor who does not display a visitor’s lanyard should act in a careful manner and consider theirs and others personal safety and that of the students in their care. The following points should be observed:-
  • Approach slowly and avoid aggressive or challenging body language.
  • Speak clearly and softly and smile.
  • Ask ‘How can I help you?’ or ‘Who are you here to see?’.
  • Don’t get too close to the person. Keep a distance of 2 metres.
  • Listen carefully to the potential intruder and direct them to Reception so that signing in procedures can be followed.

If the intruder is in a classroom:-

  • Follow the above points, and try and direct them out of the classroom and away from students.
  • If there is a concern for the safety of the students asks the Teacher to gather the students at the opposite end of the room away from the door. Alternatively, ask the Teacher to escort them into an adjoining classroom. Alert the nearest staff member if there is no Teacher present at the time.
  • If the situation develops or becomes threatening the police should be called by a member of the office staff.

All the necessary steps should be taken to secure the main entrance at all times of day.

  1. Health and Safety Assistance

Where necessary and to comply with legislative requirements British School of Marketing International seeks the assistance of the Health & Safety Department of the Local Education Authority or an accredited H&S training firm. They will provide advice and guidance on Health & Safety law and what the school needs to do to be compliant with the law.

  1. Contractors and visitors

Contractors and visitors on site should always be supervised, either by the Director or Operations and Facilities Manager, both of whom are aware of the college’s responsibilities regarding contractors. Checks are made for competence and insurance of all contractors.

All contractors need to provide Risk Assessments for any work being undertaken on site.

The following guidelines will be followed:-

  1. Prior to any work being carried out on the premises, a meeting should be held at the premises with the contractor to agree how potential problems and risks will be avoided
  2. Only suitable contractors are brought into the school to perform tasks and these should be selected from BSMI’s approved list of contractors. There are advantages in selecting contractors from an approved list:-
  • the school knows who to call quickly in the event of an emergency.
  • Staff know who to call in the absence of the Director.
  • The contractor will have been checked beforehand so the school knows it is getting good service
  • References will have been taken up and checked beforehand.

An approved contractor needs to satisfy the following:-

  • be capable of carrying out the work in a competent manner, either by qualification or experience.
  • can supply the resources to satisfactorily complete the job, without upfront payment.
  • able to supply several satisfactory references, which can be checked.
  • has sufficient, up-to-date Public Liability Insurance.
  • has an up-to-date and meaningful Safety Policy.
  • has documented risk Assessments.
  • agrees to abide by the BSMI’s Health & Safety Policy.
  • declare in writing what work will be done, at what cost, by when. This needs to be provided before the work commences so that understanding and agreement can be reached.
  1. Bullying and abusive behaviour

At British School of Marketing International, we consider the security, safety and dignity of our students and staff to be of paramount importance. We work hard to provide a safe and positive learning and working environment for staff and students alike.

Physical and verbal abuse, including threats of such a nature, bullying, cyber-bullying and exclusion in any form will not be tolerated on school premises or any other location associated with the institution, including host-family accommodation and off-site excursions. If a member of staff or student suspects that any of the above is taking place it should be escalated by discussing it with the Operations and Facilities Manager who will then take the appropriate action.

The school adopts a yellow and red card policy for students who are openly abusive to others. A yellow card is an official warning, which will be followed by a red card if the abusive behaviour persists. A red card will result in immediate expulsion from the school, with no refund of course fees, and the relevant visa authorities being notified if necessary.

  1. Stress

BSMI understands and is aware that there is an element of stress in all professions. This in should not necessarily be harmful or negative for an individual. Staff need to work to deadlines and it is important that the school deliver on time.

However, too much stress can cause harm to an individual. There can be repercussions for the individual who is suffering from stress, as well as for the students and staff who are working around them.

Stress should not be regarded as a sign of weakness and we believe it should be discussed openly within the school. The management of the school considers stress and workload when planning the school timetables and when implementing new initiatives.

Staff are encouraged to support each another when coping with stress. People who work closely together are often the first to witness signs of stress in colleagues around them. If or when this happens, it is essential that a person suffering from stress is able to get support from within the school.

Anyone suffering from stress should be encouraged to discuss this with their line manager:

  • For Teachers, they should discuss this with their Line Manager (Director of Studies).
  • For senior management, they should discuss this with the Managing Director or Facilities Manager.
  • For office staff, they should discuss this with the Managing Director or Facilities Manager.

In many cases, there may be a fairly simple and quick solution to relieve the cause of stress. However, if this cannot happen then the matter should be referred to the Managing Director.

  1. Use of social media, internet and photography

At BSMI we are very careful when posting any information on social media sites because this information is potentially visible to a large audience. It could identify where staff work and with whom, thereby increasing the opportunity for false allegations and threats. Additionally, it could be possible via social media sites for students aged under 18 to be identified, and this could have potentially serious implications for their security, safety and well-being. Furthermore, there is scope for causing offence or unintentionally causing embarrassment, for example, if pupils find photographs of their teacher online. This could cause embarrassment and/or damage to their professional reputation and also to that of British School of Marketing International. In addition, it may be possible for other social media site users to identity where employees live, which could have implications for their security.

Therefore, first and foremost consideration should be given to the information posted on social media sites. Employees are advised to appropriately use the security settings on social media sites in order to assist in limiting the concerns above.

British School of Marketing International prohibits the taking of photographs in classrooms unless otherwise agreed upon. There are occasions when BSMI permits the taking of photographs in classrooms or at outside school events for the purposes of advertising and marketing. However, BSMI teachers and staff should always ensure that students, especially those aged 16 and 17, consent to their photographs being taken and included in such publicity material.

For students aged 16 and 17 the “Parental Consent Form” asks whether parents agree with the use of photography of their children being used for publicity purposes. If anyone answers this question negatively, then all teachers, staff and management must be informed of this so that this or these students are not included in any school photographs. A note informing everyone of this should be put on the student file.